Saturday, January 26, 2019

Chinatowns in Europe

Chinatowns are neighborhoods with mainly Chinese residents and Chinese shops or restaurants. The origins of Chinatowns are quite diverse and sometimes today‘s Chinatowns have become a tourist attraction with a scenic entry gate (paifeng), lights and statues.
Although most European countries have seen Chinese immigration to some extent, with the opening of Chinese restaurants and other type of shops, only in some places they are concentrated to form a Chinese street or neighborhood. And not all of them are equally exploited for tourism. For that reason the following map is a selection of the most known and concentrated Chinese neighborhoods.

🇫🇷 Quartiers chinois en Europe

🇩🇪 Chinatowns in Europa

Chinatowns in Europe

Further reading:


Quartier_chinois (Français)

Chinatown (Deutsch)

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